Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Dark Winter: Crescent Moon - Special Preview

Hi friends! Well here is an excerpt from the book's opening prologue. Enjoy...I think...!

From the Diary of Romilly Winter, April 14th.

Aged 18, I’m probably too old to keep a diary now, still I write words nonetheless, hoping for something coherent, something real, something I can believe in to come out of it. Maybe I have written a lot this winter because it’s the kind of season that ceases to end. When will the snow stop? Even when I want to see blue skies, my eyes are tricked into seeing pitch-black night.

Dana Cullen told Beth one time that ‘Nothing ever just happens, there is always a design.’ But I have seen enough in my short life to know that things don’t just happen. Maybe my faith is to be tested at every turn, so I hope to God that there is some design amongst the chaos.

Another part of me believes that things don’t just happen for a reason, and all we’re doing is fighting to make sense of the chaos that surrounds us. The kind of chaos that would become us, if it went unchallenged. It is a battle I find myself losing, and yet those around me think I am so strong for keeping it together.

I hope to God with my every breath, but what is hope anyway? Does it fool us into forgetting what is real in our lives? What if it is all wrong, that we are all lost souls wandering around with no meaning to our existence? What can hope do for us then?

It could be that I think things over too much. It could be that the Mirror of Souls has affected me for far too long. It could be that I have convinced myself that everything will work out just fine. There’s a strong chance I’m just playing tricks on myself and those around me. 

There is a very strong chance things will not work out fine.
There’s a very strong chance that the Demon inside me will win.

I hope to God I am wrong.


I plant this tree with some aversion,
As nature controls her own reversion,
When reversion is completed,
All those lives will be deleted.
Whoever cuts or harms the tree,
Will likewise suffer some adversity.

- A local Midlands curse.


1 Corinthians 15:51

Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.

Luke 22:3

Then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot, who was of the number of the twelve.

Revelation 12:4

His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it.



49 years ago.

His eyes were black. Not his pupils. His eyes. Only five years old, and Donald Curie was making people scream. The boys had blindfolded the girl; an innocent game of kiss-chase. In this regard, Donald was a boy typical for his age. He didn’t really want to kiss the girl the group had caught for him.

He had a surprise for her in his small hand. Something that was doing all it could to emerge.

Hold her still, Joey, he’d say. Joey would guffaw and say yes, that he would hold her still. Not that blonde-curled, eyes-as-large-as milk-bottle tops Janey Reid was fighting it. She liked kiss-chase. She giggled as she could make out the shape of the boy in front of her. Her friends were pushing her forward gently towards Donald, unaware of the event unfolding in his head.

He took one smile at Joey, opened his hand, then shoved the hairy spider into Janey’s mouth and used his two fingers under her chin to push her jaw shut.

He laughed, but no-one else did. Not Joey. Not Janey’s girlfriends. Least of all, Janey, who vomited into the tall grass.

A teacher, Mr Daniels, grabbed Donald by the shoulders and ordered a supervisor to tend to Janey, who by now was an unattractive mix of vomit, tears and red-rimmed eyes. Not to mention the hairs of the spider’s legs which clung to her lips and chin. He uttered no words to the boy, because Mr Daniels wanted rid of him. Not to another school, not even to the police. He wanted rid of the boy with the black eyes and empty expression. Talking with the boy’s mother, Mrs Eloisa Curie, was certain to be a waste of time.

Mr Daniels knew, because this would not be the first time he had locked horns with the parents of wayward children.

Wayward would be easy to deal with. A fairground ride. This child, he was convinced, was as close to total and utter evil in a human being as you could possibly get. He had said as much to Eloisa Curie on the previous occurrence of Donald’s special brand of playground fun.

“His eyes are black, Mrs Curie. I don’t see any kindness, anything good. No sense of compassion for his classmates. It’s not school policy to pry-”

“Then pray, Mr Daniels. Do not pry,” interrupted Eloisa curtly.

“I must.” Mr Daniels, Bernard to Donald, who thought the portly teacher’s first name was hilarious, spoke hurriedly to avoid another interruption. Eloisa Curie was 5’1” tall, wore her hair in a bun, dressed in imitation Chanel suits from China, and spoke her words like a diamond cutting glass. She would not have her boy criticised, especially by some breast-groping middle-aged fatso who would go on strike at the drop of a hat if his union said so. Bloody socialists always wanting a free lunch, thought Eloisa scornfully.

“Any history of abuse at home, Mrs Curie? Where is Mr Curie? We cannot afford a repeat of this kind of incident.” The words came out, rapid-fire style, as if the speed would lessen the intensity of the statement. It didn’t.

Eloisa smoothed the crease in her skirt and crossed her legs. Her chest knitted closer together, and Bernard’s eyes glimmered with delight as her breasts pushed upwards by the slightest of notches.

Have a good gawp, you bald-headed bastard, thought Eloisa.

“No abuse. Mr Curie died whilst on a training exercise with the RAF. He was due to be discharged this year.” She took a breath. “There will not be a repeat of this kind of incident.”

Understanding the limitation of his powers, Mr Daniels let her statement conclude matters. That would be his official report to the Head, along with a letter of apology to Janey Reid’s parents, where he would allude to a typical schoolboy prank and hope you will accept the School’s apology and assurances that this event will not be repeated.

The reality of the meeting’s conclusion was the sight of Eloisa Curie standing up stiffly and leaving the Year Head’s room once the word incident had left her thin lips, which had a tint of rouge. Her stilettos hammered the school floor with purposeful intent. She wanted to show these upstarts at the school she was better than them. Donald was complex, yes. But a good boy. She had no doubt about that. He was just misunderstood. He would grow out of…whatever this was.

As she drove back home, she knew the routine would play out as it had done so before. Donald would do his wide-eyed, lost puppy routine, and she would wilt, and give in once again.

“I’m sorry, Mum. And I’ll say sorry to Janey tomorrow too.”

Eloisa pitied her son. She knew he was fighting some kind of demon. The kind of demons the school teachers couldn’t deal with. The unseen kinds of demon are the worst. They don’t look back at you in the mirror, but you know they’re there. Eloisa had spoken with the new priest at the church, a young man by the name of Fr Brannigan.

While they were talking, Donald’s face convulsed, and he uttered curses that would make the girls at the Meowsa Gentlemen’s Club, opposite the church; blush redder than a London bus, with their gasps falling into stunned silence when they realised it was a five-year-old boy shouting Tonight you’ll be raped by Satan, and bitch you better enjoy it.

“Your son’s behaviour isn’t normal, Eloisa. As your friend, I sometimes might have to say things that are uncomfortable for you to hear.” Cathy Tudor meant well, but it was the last thing Eloisa wanted to hear whilst the two women waited for the school day to end, so that they could collect their children.

Cathy was scared of Donald Curie. Eloisa spun around to challenge her, but as she came to a full stop, she chose her words carefully. “He is only five years of age, and what boy hasn’t played pranks? I’m not defending his actions, just…just see it for what it is, Cath. Don’t blow things out of proportion. He’s always been polite to you, hasn’t he?”

Cathy was scared of Donald Curie. “Polite he may be. Street angel, house devil, is what he is, though.”

Donald was only five years old, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t dangerous. He’d had a brother. Malcolm when he did good, Malky when he did really good. But the older boy was still Number-One-Son to Eloisa, even though parents aren’t supposed to have favourites. She’d spoiled Donald rotten too. But that was never enough. He wanted to be Number One.

Donald was lying in bed when it happened. There was a flutter behind the curtain, but the house was old and drafty, so he paid scant attention to it. It was a summer’s evening, but the temperature in the room was dropping fast.

The shapes that appeared above his bed could have been explained away as a child’s overactive imagination. He tried to ignore them, and turned his head to the side on the pillow. There were two of those, but they were thinning. Number-One-Son always had three.

Eyes looked back at him, so he pulled the duvet up above his head and breathed hard. In the blackness where the bottom of his legs would be, two luminous lights concentrated on him. Blue lights.

He could feel something on his bare feet. Strands of hair, perhaps. But they didn’t have the scent or feel of his mother when she would hug him. They felt clotted, uneven. Dead.

A hand, now. At least, it felt like one. It pressed a bony finger behind his knee, and Donald let out a scream. But Eloisa wouldn’t hear. His mother was a heavy sleeper. She was good at sleeping, since the settlement from the divorce came through. A little white lie that would be lost on the likes of Mr Daniels, and she hadn’t cared to enlighten him about that.

Any regular sleep pattern evaporated when she had fallen pregnant. Malcolm had been born seven pounds and one ounce, and right on time. Donald had been born four pounds and eight ounces, and nine weeks ahead of schedule.

The ultrasound showed Malcolm’s pattern, no problem there. Donald’s image continued to escape and confound the doctors, who in the end said Maybe it’s a phantom pregnancy, Mrs Curie.

Eloisa told them that a woman knows when she’s pregnant, and to not belittle my intelligence.

When he was born, Donald was a sickly child. The doctors were not sure if he would survive the first twenty-four hours. At one point, his temperature dropped so much that his lips turned blue. The doctors were about to give Eloisa Curie the bad news, when Donald rat-tat-tapped the incubator with his stubby little fingers, giving the doctors the same, cold, dead-eyed stare for which he would become infamous.

“Better, er….let her know he’s um, alright,” said the main doctor, who had seen a lot of babies over his time, but none that gave him the chills in the way that this boy did.


Want to read more? Now on Amazon for silly-oh-price or you can try and win the giveaway on GoodReads!

Friday 8 November 2013

Editorial Critique and How It Helped Me Write A Better Story

On my blog I tend to talk about other books, and apart from some self promo which I hope you can live with. But I 'd like in this post, to share with you some thoughts about the last six months, in which I sought and received professional feedback on my book. If you are a writer, I cannot stress how important it is to get good critique.

Many things have happened. Many things have not happened, or will happen. So  let's break it down.

What is for certain though, is that once I hit the 'publish' button, I was like 'is that it?' Will no-one buy it / read it / download it (even on a free)?

What right would I expect to make a splash with this story?

What happened.

26th September 2012. I started writing Dark Winter, which was actually my second go at a full length story. I already had the characters and story arcs pretty much mapped out in my head, and I was enjoying writing it that much that it didn't seem to be a chore, and I never had writer's block, at least, not for this story.

I also had a lot more time to myself so although I knew I was a novice at writing, by doing so I would improve my skills, surely? I also continued to read, widely, but also at books aimed at YA / NA, which is where I felt this story would sit most happily. In truth, it is probably for young adults of 13+. Maybe a bit gory for the very young. Of course, us fully grown adults should be able to read it too!

By April 2013, at the end of the UK's very own long dark winter, I had completed the first draft. I resolved to work obsessively on it, but knew I could not do this own my own. I would need help, much like the main protagonist in the book.

I had previously purchased The Writer's & Artists book which has a lot of helpful things in it. I also knew that I would have to get editorial help, and researched some costs, before electing to go to the Writers Workshop, who were certainly brutal in their critique. But that is a good thing, friends, because as writers sometimes we may get too protective of our 'work' and we just have to get over ourselves.

I certainly could not call myself a writer, or an author. If people see me like that, well, great! That's just fine.

A bit like in my main profession...I do not expect to be called Sifu, or Sensei...I'm a martial arts teacher, and I just want to impart my knowledge to those I am lucky enough to teach. It is a privilege to teach, and it is a joy to know that someone, somewhere, is interested in my little book.

After editorial's critique, I felt a bit deflated. I couldn't see the light in the things they were saying, but some friends said to me...'they want more of this...less of this...give it to them and you will have a great story!'

So I didn't respond to editorial straight away. I let things lie, tried to consider what I could take from it, but also, the things I would absolutely not compromise on.

Check that again....does it seem arrogant to say that I wouldn't compromise on something? Didn't I say earlier in the post that we had to 'get over ourselves'? Well, allow me to explain!

I had previously indie published a book on martial arts, and whilst I 'border-line' enjoyed the experience, I have to say that I let editorial (a different house) batter me into submission. The reason was because I had no experience of the writing / publishing industry, and I felt I should defer to their better judgement.

Editorial evaluation is just that, though. You don't have to edit it if you don't want to. As the creator of the work, you should have the right to do that.

As time passed, I began re-drafting again, and the editorial was starting to look less harsh. I could see what they were saying. I accepted in large part what they said, and several re-drafts later, I believed I had a story that maybe people would enjoy.

Still, I stuck to my guns on certain aspects, and again, I think my cold evaluation of that made for a better story.

Imagine you are in a relationship where the other person tells you to change this part of yourself, or this and that, and you feel a whole range of emotions.

Do you concede ground entirely, or do you put down a marker and refuse to budge? Or maybe you choose a third option and move a little their way, and improve your own position by doing so. I think it is this 'middle ground' that we should strive for.

For future stories, I don't think I'm 'quite there' in terms of being sharp enough to critique my own work. So I will still need editorial advice.

However, in Dark Winter's case, there is a beginning, a middle, an end. There's a lot of scope in the initial story, and I would not dare stretch it out without there being a reason (I dislike 'filler' chapters myself!).

A month on and the story has two reviews on Amazon, and two on Goodreads. That's very heartening to me and whilst I accept some will not like what I have written, that is life!

What is happening.

I've made extensive notes for book two, and I'm reworking the earlier draft of (name decided but to be revealed later!) the fantasy adventure yarn that is really big in scope and scale. I will have to work like demon to get a 2014 release, but as it is not 'timely' (i.e. Dark Winter is best timed for Halloween, but 'can be read at any time', as one review said) I think that is okay.

I haven't mentioned the cover art but it's likely to be with Claudia again if she can cope with me!

My thanks to those of you who featured the book on your blogs, some of which I include here:-

...and many more of you.

What might happen.

Some of you already let me know your thoughts on the story, and the martial arts book has been out for two years now, and despite being very niche, has garnered four reviews on Amazon.

I haven't mentioned the cover art for book two or for the fantasy novel, but it's likely to be with Claudia again if she can cope with me!

What will happen.

November 2013:-

The revised 'Essence of Martial Arts' book will be out.

As for 2014:-

  • Look out for a print release of Dark Winter, some time in January 
  • Dark Winter, Book Two will be done in time for Halloween 2014 - it has to...otherwise Dana will get me
  • The fantasy novel will be done in time for April, I hope. So bear with me for news sprinkling through the blog-o-sphere on that one!

I hope you'll go along the journey with me. I need your support and you can be sure you'll get mine.

If you've read, will read, are 'to-read' my book (s), thank you so much and I hope you get something from it, and let me know what you think. Amazon, Goodreads, email, blog...I don't mind...just let me know, I'll appreciate all feedback!

Lots of love to all the readers and writers out there, see you again soon.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Halloween is not the only time you might see her....

“There’s always a plan. A design. Nothing ever just happens, and you can’t escape your fate. Two will die. Don’t forget that.”

Dana Cullen (Dark Winter)

Buy the book:-

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Release Date for 'Dark Winter'

Okay. So the draft has been completed. And then re-drafted. Then re-drafted several times more. The script has been through editorial, some friends have had snippets of the script, and well, friends, we are all but there.

So I have a date for its release - 9th October on Kindle (and other devices) and printed version to be available soon after that.

I prefer the 'hard copy' version of books but can see some merit in e-books. Whichever one you happen to be, I hope you'll try this book and see something different in it.

It's my first 'official' novel, so I don't know how it will be received. Sometimes, you just have to go for it and  see what happens.
Nervous? You bet. But it won't have been the first time, and sure as hell won't be the last.